Saturday, August 10, 2013

When Daddy leaves for the weekend...

We run non-stop so we don't think about how much we miss him. With the sad news of Grandpa Dean's passing, Brandon had the greatly needed opportunity to attend his funeral in Utah, however, we couldn't quite swing the rest of us going. Though it wasn't the happiest reason to be gathering, the kids and I were still sad we couldn't be there with Brandon and the rest of his family.

So, we stayed busy. If I haven't emphasized this enough, New York has SO many things to do for free here, and this steam punk concert on the plaza of the Lincoln Center is one of the coolest I've been to. Tori went through a brief acrobat phase, so we just couldn't pass up the free chance to see some tricks.
Sword dancers
Acrobats/Aerial Dancers....same diff

Following the circus was a free concert that Tori insisted we stay for. I was ready to go to beat the crowds out, but we negotiated 3 songs. I actually love that she is so eager to get the most of her experiences. 
And the fountain is always a good time. 

The following morning we geared up for some jogging down Park Avenue for the Summer Streets Festival (one of, if not THE, favorite NYC tradition we enjoy).
Tori alternated between running and scooting.  Park has some good hills, so it was fun to be able to let her go for it without the fear of death at each stop light. 
Juicing up!

Brighton got in on the action too!
And even a turn with the pink scooter.
Not only are the streets care free but they are lined with tons of fun, free events. Our favorite area was of course Midtown. Midtown never let's us down.
Tori getting in some football training. It got serious!
Sometimes the only way we see the of a reflection on a building.
There was free miniature golf and the course was designed so that each hole represented an emotion.
Insecurity. The green was a seesaw. 
Depression....although hanging beads are anything but depressing.

This one was boredom, and I remember because we spent most of our time on it, being the kiddos favorite, and I was indeed bored.
Right next door was the Banana Boat block, with tons of free sunblock and places to relax while we tested out the sunblock. 

With our new free sunblock, obviously there's no need for a the middle of Manhattan.

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