Saturday, October 26, 2013

Missionary efforts in NYC

I thought this was one of the coolest activities we have done...ever. Prior to this event, the Manhattan missionaries had drawn a massive depiction of the Plan of Salvation with chalk drawings in Union Square. Having had a lot of success reaching out to people that way, they decided to do another one in Washington Park depicting Lehi's Dream. I really wanted to take the kids, and the missionaries really encouraged families to come help draw. Kids are great ice breakers after all. It seemed fun and such a great opportunity to show Tori and Bright what missionaries do. 

Tori got right to work at her favorite drawing...the tall and spacious building, haha. 
She added her person there. So proud ; ) 

I thought the Tree of Life was just stunning. 
It was so neat to be a part of the missionary efforts in the city. Missionary work is something I think so much about and have been very nervous to attempt, but in New York religious discussions are more welcomed than I experienced in the west, and I'm sad I didn't get out of my comfort zone more. This ward has made amazing efforts to encourage member missionary efforts. On special holidays like Christmas and Easter, our ward hosts a special sacrament meeting in hopes that members will invite non-member friends to be participate. I think it's an incredible tradition and though I haven't handed out an invitation yet, I feel my courage growing as I contemplate who I would give it to and what I would say. I'm almost there!!

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