Monday, October 14, 2013

Little Red Lighthouse

Columbus is the man that just keeps on giving. Thanks to his holiday, Brandon had a day off, and we got to get out of the city, if only for a few hours. We decided to take a bike ride from the lower west of Manhattan up to the very southwest of Harlem to see the iconic Little Red Lighthouse. 
I'm a pretty awful bike rider, so Brandon insisted on taking both of the kids on his bike.  
Brighton was....a bit nervous.
I think we estimated that the ride was a total of 20 miles roundtrip. We rode along the west Hudson the whole way, and it was a gorgeous day.
Arriving at the George Washington Bridge
The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge 

We packed this amazing lunch complete with mini-cherry pies and baker's paper. 
On the way back we strolled through a stretch along the esplanade that featured some pretty amazing statues.

...and a train.
In the last few blocks, Bright just couldn't stay awake any longer, so Brandon had to hold his head up while biking. It was pretty talented considering I nearly crashed a dozen times trying to take this picture.

He knows he has a good Dad

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