Monday, July 1, 2013

Goooooo Mets!

Being our last summer, we've had a demanding bucket list. I declare 2013 the year of professional sports teams and musicians!! 

Our favorite PA romance and occasional babysitters, Austin and Dan, treated us to a double date at CitiField. We had been shopping around for tickets, but in the grand tradition of getting things for free here, this escapade would come at no cost, thanks to Austin donating blood and later passing out during surgery. I vowed I would have fun, but not too much fun!

 Our seats were total nose bleeders, but thanks to the skeptical weather and less than famous opposing team (I can't even remember who they played), we later hiked down for a closer view. However, I was perfectly pleased with where we were.

Hunky, me, Dan, and Austin
Center field was the coolest, I thought! Like a mini-Time Square complete with Shake Shack...our kryptonite.

Center Field
View from our new seats 
The sky turned a deep purple later in the was a little foreboding but nothing came of it.
Mets...check. Yankees, Jets, and Knicks....still to come!

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