Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Colbert Report

I was super proud of myself for FINALLY scoring some Colbert tickets. I had devoutly checked his website since we moved here without any luck, until one divinely appointed Sunday when I had the crazy idea to check before church. Of course, I would later discover that they weren't even tickets, they were reservations to wait in line for tickets, but eh, beggars can't be choosers. 

Thanks to a trial run (yeah we'll call it that) by my sister-in-laws, we knew to head out early for our coveted spots in line. I was so stressed the whole time, but we would end up getting our tickets and then standing in "audience holding" for like 3 hours before the taping. The studio is really small, so no matter where you are, your seats are really good. We ended up on the right side about 4 rows up. I was EXTREMELY satisfied. Stars would also align that his guest on the show that day was Daniel Radcliffe (i.e. Harry Potter), which made my life! I was a fan of his on the mere premise that he played Harry Potter, but I'm definitely a fan of him now. He held his own with Stephen, his nerves were endearing, and hey, I'm a sucker for British accents. 

There was also a fun question and answer with Stephen, and a special taping of him reading the Gettysburg Address. I thought that added a nice personal touch to our experience.
Bus ride over...trying to distract from the nerves
"Who's seeing The Colbert Report??? THIS GUY (or girl)!"
Darth Vador, Stephen and Brandon...obviously. Audience holding had very inspired artwork. 

1 comment:

Dad said...

Thanks for posting this. It's really neat that you get to have these experiences.