Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Rye Beach

Brandon had to work night shifts the last week of his rotation for internal medicine, poor guy! It was only 3 days, but after the first day I was out of ideas for day trips to keep me and the kids away while Brandon slept. Enter friends with cars!! Bless their souls! We got a generous invitation to venture out of the city to Rye Beach in Mamaroneck, where a mutual friend recently moved. It was heaven on earth (i.e. totally looked like California), complete with the carnival where the movie "Big" was filmed in the distance. It was a private beach so you had to pay to get on. Worth. Every. Penny.

Gosh, it was so great!! Hands down, probably one of my favorite days here in New York.
Brighton hasn't actually ever rode in a car seat since he's become more aware. He was pretty nervous at first and confused why Mom wasn't holding him or even sitting by him. He fussed for a little bit and then settled down after realizing what a primo view to the outside he had! Admittedly, I could have just rode in the front seat for a couple blocks and the day would have been a total success : )
My hot mama friends Julie and Kassie. And look at this background!! Those red tile rooftops....sigh. 
A view down the beach. Tori said she wants to be a beach bum...I don't even know where she heard that term, but I was like, "Me too!"
All the kids testing the water
The "Big" carnival....you can see the ferris wheel to the left.
This might be why most kids don't enjoy playing with Brighton. Ben puts up with a lot.
Playing football with Evan. 
Catching some rays...not that she needed any more, this girl got fried! 
There were a ton of live starfish (I say "live" because apparently it's rare to see a live one) and crabs. It was so cool! Tori didn't love the idea at first, but on her own later, she found the courage to hold one.
Salad and starfish

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