Friday, June 14, 2013

A little party never killed nobody...

Unless, of course, your kids get up at 6:30 am and your feet haven't experienced a night of dancing in heels since high school....then it might get close. Brandon's program holds the occasional cocktail party or fancy dinner with all the various Cornell programs. It's got a fancy abbreviation...the GSEC.  And so the GSEC and my husband would join forces in making some major dreams come true for this lucky gal! We ate, socialized, ate some more, cashed in on free soda, and above all else....we DANCED! 

Brandon's a total closet hipster!! 
And a closet dancer....seriously, this boy has moves and it's the cutest thing I've ever witnessed. He's so much fun!
The "anti-dancer" and the gay guy pretending to be gangsta.  
This is me sober.....can you even imagine if I drank??? That guy behind us can...and he is not amused.
Dan, B, Jerrad, and Matt...we love these guys!
It was so fun, albeit, a moderate step back in maturity, but I'm proud that Brandon and I can still cut loose! I couldn't straighten my toes after removing my shoes, but it was so worth it to dance with my hubby, after years and years of resenting his refusal to dance with me at a college block party. Relationships were mended, dance moves mastered, and lots of memories made!!


Jonny and Kara said...

I love and adore basically every bit of this post! You two are the cutest ever here and your captions to the pics made me laugh so much. Looks like the best of times! :)

Eric Brie Tayli and Dre said...

Aww man I miss our old dancing days....why didn't you invite me? Looks like so much fun!

Jennie said...

You must know, everything with me is an open invite! But someone had to go spend all their money on a new house.