Monday, February 7, 2011

It's Tougher on the Parents....

Tori is refusing to sleep off the rest of her anesthesia in her crib, so while she's passed out on the floor next to me, I thought I'd share the events of today in more detail for those wondering. So, this procedure really wasn't a big deal...pretty standard and a girl in our ward had two kids undergo the same surgery. The operation alone wasn't worrisome to me as much as the anesthesia. I worked in the OR when I was in Rexburg, and I hated how the parents weren't allowed back to help the kids go under and I'll add that I didn't always love how they handled frightened children. I really hated the idea of leaving Tori screaming and scared. Needless to say, wasn't totally looking forward to this morning.
We checked in at 7, and go figure, sat around until 9. Chalk it up to the pregnancy hormones, but I'd say generally I don't like sitting around no less for hours....but what are you gonna do I guess? Can't really tick off the surgeon by chewing him out, although I really, really, really wanted to. Tori was oblivious. They had a great toy room and she just played and played with what energy on no food and less than normal sleep, I have no idea. She found a cell phone and when I asked her who she was calling she said Papa (Grandpa Sessions).

The great thing about a pediatric anesthesiologist is one parent is actually able to go back with the their child, so I was finally able to get suited up to take Tori back to the OR. I kind of love the OR, didn't realize I could actually miss working there, and even under the circumstances, I was juexcited to be involved as insignificant as it was. I helped Tori smell the gas, telling her, "It smells good try it," after which the anesthesiologist informed that it actually didn't smell good at that point. Great, now I'm lying to my kid while she screams into a mask and the lights slowly fade around the face that betrayed her. Haha, she was upset but we knew she would be. I got a little teary eyed, and told everyone that it was harder than I expected at which point they were all very supportive. Our anesthesiologist even told me to give her a kiss.

Waking up was a transition and I'd have to admit I think we had the most annoying nurse on the planet....hormones again? Probably not, I really am this opinionated : ) 5 hours later for what was supposed to be a 20 minute procedure, we were finally on our way home with a droopy bug. Seriously, such a cute concked out darling, and you can see her little wrapped hand.

She's pretty much slept all afternoon, which they said would be the next 24 hours for us. I like to think of it as Tori played all morning, and then got to sleep all afternoon.

Other perks to the surgery:

1) Her thumb is mobile.

2) She has two weeks of recovery (ie. Mom and Dad spoiling the heck out of her)

3) And I rediscovered my interest in working in the OR.

Thanks to everyone for their support. I know it wasn't anything serious, but it was still scary for me as a mom, and I'm just glad Tori is so well loved by all her family and friends.


Jonny and Kara said...

Oh I love that little cutie!! I'm so glad it all went well! Give her tons of hugs and kisses for us!

Jeremy and Brigitte said...

SO glad that it went allright. My nephew almost had to have a similar surgery. His thumb joint locks up. As for the difference in how children are treated here at the hospitol compared to Eastern Idaho. I will add this to my many many many lists of stories that make me love the hospitols here and never want to experience the ones over there.