Friday, January 29, 2010

The story with Tori....

For those that don't know, our computer was visciously attacked by a virus, may it rest in peace, so I don't get to use of the internet as much as I would like, however, it's been a while since I posted any updates on the little monkey in my life! Without a computer, I'm kind of winging it but was able to get this picture for your viewing pleasure. And following are some fun facts about Tori.

Here's Tori watching tv while chillaxin on her bean bag chair.

10 Fun Facts:

1. Tori loves sporting events. She sents contently through all 4 quarters of basketball games.

2. She can pull herself into standing position.

3. We listen to music videos in the morning and on two she'll always stop what she's doing and watch: Orianthi "According to You" and Jay-Z "Empire State of Mind" (and you can't say it's my influence because I don't like the Orianthi song)

4. Tori head bangs/dances....I have a video that I'll post once I can figure it out. Her favorite song to dance to is Vampire Weekend "Horchata" (my influence on that one)

5. She can sit up on her own but hasn't quite figured out how to lay back down, so usually once or twice during the night we find her sitting up in her bed with her eyes closed. One night she even fell asleep leaning against the side of her crib.

6. We watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse every morning.

7. Her favorite friend right now is her cousin Meygan.

8. Her favorite person, of course, is her Daddy. She loves any attention she can get from Brandon, and is extremely oversensitive to him. If he says "No" she'll make the most sad and drawn out pouty lip face before bursting into tears.

9. She can sign "more" and "drink" (on her own terms of course).

10. She loves to watch videos of herself, and whenever there's a video of her crying she'll look at me and give me the "Daddy said no" face and cry along with herself...hilarious.


Jenny said...

There are so many funny things here. I love she sits up and won't get back down-- falling asleep sitting up ? Hilarious!

Jonny and Kara said...

LOOOOVE IT!!! She's so stinkin' cute I can barely handle it! Love you guys!

Eric Brie Tayli and Dre said...

Oh Tori you are soooo cute!! She's at such a fun stage!!! i LOVE the bean bag chair!! turned out way cute! Tayli sleeps in her's everyday! hope you guys are having fun on your trip!!! love ya

Britney said...

haha... wow! she's doing so much! Can't wait to see her again.